After countless trips, hundreds of kilometers walked, cycled and climbed, Matsushita-san (with consultant and translation help from Matt and Nori) made an extremely functional, yet spiritually deep all exhaustive route guide of this impressive island pilgrimage.
The price is 1000 yen (plus tax and shipping) and is all you will need to plan for and walk the Shodoshima 88. Featuring detailed scaled up maps of tricky sections and urban areas and including a supplementary booklet for worshiping at the temples and chanting the sutras.
Supplementary booklet for worshiping at the temples and chanting the sutras.
1. About the Shodoshima Pilgrimage 2. Access to Shodoshima, culture and local information 3. List of temples 4. 1/27,500 scale map, 1/10,000 scale map 5. Walking elevation profiles 6. Bus route map and time tables (Japanese& English) QR code link included 7. Supplementary materials: Worshipping at the temples and chanting the sutras
Author notes-
Mr. Matsushita, established author of Shikoku Japan 88 Route Guide has spent over one year, walking all over Shodoshima collecting data to make this highly informative map.
Modern people just don’t walk anymore, we would all rather drive than take the time to get around on foot. When you walk, the chance encounters you have with people, the wild flowers you notice growing by the side of the road, are everywhere. Mr. Matsushita hopes many people will come to Shodoshima and experience the ancient pilgrimage culture that still remains today.
Please email us directly if interested in purchasing a map.
email: info@senguesthousecom
with your email address, postal address and how many map you want to buy.
You can pay by Paypal.
Thank you SO MUCH, Mr. Matsushita !!